CCBC Basics

Civil Procedure Rules part 7C

County Court Bulk Centre, 4th Floor, St Katherine's House, 21/27 St Katharine's Street, Northampton, NN1 2LH

SDT flowchart

Contact: Donna Jolly, CCBC on Tel: 01604-795545 for a Starter Pack.

See our CCBC training course...

Signing up for the CCBC service

1) Complete the new enquiry form
2) Complete Form A - [Master Form A.DOC]
3) Transmit test XML files
4) Submit Direct Debit documentation

County Court Bulk Centre (Court number: 335)

The CCBC accepts Claims as XML, produces the forms N1 and sends them
to the defendant.
If initially accepted, a Claim number is issued immediately.
CCBC fees are cheaper than standard County Court fees.
XML is also transmitted to the CCBC for Judgments, Warrants and Case Updates.

CCBC - Bulk Claims - Set-up/settings

No. Content
01 Unique Centre User Number - 4 x digits [National Creditor Code e.g. 1988]
02 Unique Customer Number e.g. 10000711
03 Unique System Number e.g. P1001988
04 Unique MCOL (Money Claim Online] Number e.g. MC0004441236
05 Data file is submitted over the Internet as XML using Security Certificate
06 Max number of Claims is 3000 per day
07 Name of authority for Particulars of Claim is supplied within the XML
08 Single statement of truth; Signature may be in electronic form
09 You may operate as a SOLICITOR or SOLE ORGANISATION (Apply MCOL)
10 CCBC sends Feedback to you as XML with case progress e.g. Case Number
11 Court fees are paid via Direct Debit weekly or Monthly

CCBC Restrictions

No. Content
01 No claims for the High Court
02 Claims must be less than £100,000
03 No more than 2 x defendants
04 Not in foreign currency
05 Only in England and Wales

Defendant/Claimant data accuracy

Section Content
Claimant Limited company - describe address as R/O
Claimant Other than own name - 'Trading as'
Claimant Partners/ partnership - 'A Firm'
Defendant Limited company - describe address as R/O
Defendant Other than own name - 'Trading as'
Defendant Partners/ partnership - 'A Firm'
Defendant Joint defendants itemised
Defendant Address lines 1+2 are mandatory
Defendant Quality post code is mandatory

SDT Claim Request XSD Validation

Claim B1

SDT Judgment Request XSD Validation...
SDT Warrant Request XSD Validation...
SDT Claim Status Update Request XSD Validation...

N1 issue timetable - judgment entry

Claim issue Issued by CCBC Deemed served Judgment entry
N1 issued - ignored (14) Day 0 Day 5 Day 19
N1 issued - acknowledged (28) Day 0 Day 5 Day 33